How to control anger of 18 year old boy what to do if he doesn't want to consult anything to their parents?

                How to Control on Anger

Anger is natural thing which is keeps in all human mind. Just there is change the limit person by person as high & low. We cannot vanish all anger from our mind however surely we can control on that after applying some techniques. Age 18 to until 30 is very aggressive. Why I am saying that because this is middle period of our life. Strong body,mind and many more things gathers in our mind to do something different, big. However very few people can achieve their target or goal in life.

Below I am providing some techniques that can help us to control on the Anger.

1. Meditation - Most of the people think that meditation mean very difficult thing and not possible in this daily routine. But this is not true. I will tell you very simple way that is called also meditation. Just sit back and try to see your thoughts. If one thought came your mind then give it 1 number after second thought came give it 2 number. Continue it 1,2,3,5,6 etc. One-time would come that time you would find there is nothing any single thought. Actually there would not be this thought also as "There is no thought". Just we have to do this thing daily minimum 15 to 20 minutes. 

2. Divert Thoughts - what happens before the arise the Anger? First we get that thought then it affects on our mind, body and then it express through our behavior. Some people keep calm and some become very aggressive, brake things. It is just way to express of the Anger and pull out the Anger. So in this case we need to divert / shift our mind in another thing. There is more chances that we can control on the Anger.

3. Think About past - when you think about past when you were angry what you achieved after become angry. Nothing right? There was just loss of time, money, health etc. So these thoughts will help some us to keep away from Anger.

4. Think Actually what Happen - when you are going to become angry start immediately thinking on actually what happening to me? From where it is coming? This thought also help to you to control on Anger.

5. It is killing Machine - Anger is nothing but it is killing Machine. Because who is keep it give much trouble to him. It is given by nature however we have also given patience for control on Anger.

6. Accept the Things - This one of the best way to control on Anger. We should accept the situation then become free mind. Then we able to on the solution and not on Angry.

    There are many ways however we should stick one way to control on Anger.

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